Elastic Bind Off Tutorial

The Elastic Bind Off method creates a neat but stretchy edge, making it a great bind off for projects such as shawls.


To set up the bind off you first need to knit two stitches.


Slip the two stitches on your right needle back onto your left needle - without twisting the stitches.


Knit the two stitches together through the back loops. To knit the stitches through the back loops you just need to insert your right needle into the right side of the stitches, so your needle is across the back of both of the stitches, before completing the stitch as you would usually complete a knit stitch.


Knit a stitch, then slip the two stitches on your right needle back onto your left needle - without twisting the stitches.


Knit the two stitches together through the back loops.


Repeat steps four and five until you have only one live stitch remaining.

Tip: You may find it slightly quicker to avoid slipping the stitches back onto your left needle. You can instead insert your left needle across the front of the two stitches on your right needle. Your needles should then be in the same position as when knitting the two stitches together through the back loops in step five.

Break your yarn (leaving a tail) and pass the tail through the final live stitch to complete the bind off.