I-Cord Tab Cast On Tutorial

The I-cord tab cast on is a commonly used method for casting on projects such as shawls, which will grow from a small number of stitches and use an I-cord edge.


Cast on three stitches, you can use a cast on method of your choice for this - I use the long tail cast on.


Knit across the three stitches, then slip these three stitches back onto your left needle. Repeat this twice more, or as many times as your pattern states.


Knit across the three stitches a final time, this time without slipping them back to the left needle.


You now need to pick up and knit three stitches along the I-cord edge.


Turn to work the wrong side. Pick up and knit three stitches along the cast on edge.


Knit across the remaining stitches on your left needle to the last three stitches, slip the last three stitches with yarn in front.