Kendal Wool Gathering 2019 Haul
At the end of October I attended Kendal Wool Gathering and purchased a few things.
Kendal Wool Gathering is a two day festival which takes place in Kendal Leisure Centre which has occurred annually for several years. This was my first time attending so I wasn't sure what to expect, as I had been to Yarndale a month prior I was actually debating not going as I didn't have much of a shopping list but I'm glad I did.
Entry was only £3 for adults and it's free for under 16s, it's a not-for-profit event organised and run by volunteers. There were over 70 exhibitors which covered a variety of different wool-related crafts, so I think there really was something for everyone.

As I already mentioned I didn't have much of a shopping list, I only needed a 3mm crochet hook and some ring stitch markers, but I of course purchased some yarn too.
The first stand I visited was Botanical Yarn, where I purchased this Fibre Fox sock yarn in the colour 'Dreamer', this is 75% Superwash Merino and 25% Nylon. This is probably going to become a pair of socks, but I'm debating using it for a hat, I'm struggling to decide if the colour is too bright for a hat which I'm thinking it may be.
Next was one of my more planned out purchases, some ring stitch markers. Before buying these I only had split ring stitch markers which can annoyingly pop off your needles when trying to keep track of the start of the round you're knitting, so they've been very handy. I did see a lot of pretty stitch markers with charms at various stands, but as I'm allergic to cobalt these plastic ones are ideal for me.

After this I purchased a 3mm Clover Amour crochet hook, these are my favourite crochet hooks which I find most comfortable to use, I already had a few of these in other sizes but needed a 3mm crochet hook for my TOFT advent calendar.
Next was something I hadn't planned to purchase but was definitely in the back of my mind, a small pair of scissors from Woolmouse's stand. These are attached to a little cover on a chain, I've been keeping these scissors in my notions case and they've already had a lot of use. Thanks to the cover I don't end up accidentally injuring myself when I'm rummaging around for something in my notions case.

My final purchase was this mini skein set from Down Sheepy Lane's stand. This includes 5 20g mini skeins, which are 75% Merino and 25% Nylon. They're all named after the dire wolves from Game of Thrones: Lady, Nymeria, Summer, Greywind and Shaggydog. I would like to use these for some wrist warmers, I haven't decided on a pattern yet and am considering making them up as I go instead.

I would definitely recommend Kendal Wool Gathering, particularly if you live nearby. I now definitely need to finish a fair few projects before buying any more yarn!